Recycling News

The Green Team Logo

Hello everyone: As you know Dennis-Yarmouth Regional Schools advocates recycling. The District is a member of The Green Team an environmental club for Massachusetts Schools. Together we hope to educate our youth about the importance of energy conservation, recycling and other actions they can take to help protect our environment and slow climate change. Green Team activities provide hands-on ways for students to acquire skills for their MCAS tests and create great habits. Encourage participation in your buildings. Check the Green Team website for more information.

Please pass this information out to your teacher's or groups that are interested in recycling in your buildings. We encourage every building to participate in Recycling.

If you have a recycling team in your building please make sure they touch base with me to receive updates during the year. Send photos of your activities so I may share with others.

The goal is to have our students learn how their efforts at home and school to recycle, conserve energy and reduce pollution can have a real impact on the air we breathe, our climate and the environment as a whole.

Students will be recognized for their efforts along with their classrooms. They will have the opportunity to win classroom and school-wide prizes in the District and through the Green Team.

Thanks and Happy Recycling!!!!
Facility Mgr.

Cartoon Graphic of earth with green arrows circling it

Cartoon Graphic of Children with different sports equipment