Child Find Notice

Evaluations for Children in Need of Special Services

The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District looks to locate and identify any child who may be in need of special education services. The DY Pupil Services Department is mandated to evaluate students suspected of having a learning disability and live in the towns of Yarmouth or Dennis, including students who attend private schools or are home schooled. Massachusetts education regulations require the following conditions in order to be eligible for special education:

The child must have a documented disability.

The child must not be making effective progress in the general education curriculum.

The child needs specialized instruction and/or related services to make progress.

The child must be between the ages of 3 and 22 and has not received a high school diploma.

If you are aware of a child who may have a disability and needs to be evaluated, please contact the Student Services Department at 508-398-7624.

For more information, please contact:

Brenda Burke (grade 6 through age 22)  508-398-7660

Kelly Mooney (Preschool through grade 5)  508-619-5846

.us Telephone: 508-398-7604